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Es wird im April 2024 in Stockholm die sog. NORDIC EUROVISION PARTY geben. ECG-Mitglieder erhalten einen Rabatt. Näheres hierzu gibt es im Mitgliederbereich.
Hier die offizielle Ankündigung.

After having won the contest a total of 14 times ( 7x Sweden, 3x Denmark, 3x Norway and 1 x Finland) and giving the Eurofans hits after hits each year, we are ready happy to invite Europe to the first Nordic Eurovision Party. 
Nordic Eurovision Party
Date: Sunday, 14th of April 2024
Venue: BERNS, Stockholm
Doors Open: 7.00pm
Concert start: 8.00pm
Concert finishes: 00.30am
Afterwards there will be an after party, with an exclusive area for the Eurovision participants. 
The official presale will start on the 21st of October at 7pm,
Please find the ticket link here: 

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