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FANvision 2024 - OGAE Luxemburg


Meet the representative of OGAE LUXEMBURG


Meet Mara, the representative of OGAE Luxembourg in FANvision 2024.

Mara will be the first participant ever from Luxembourg at FANvision. The talented singer already made it to the Top 50 of Luxembourg's preselection this year and was then selected by OGAE Luxembourg to represent the fan club in Hamburg.

Mara has Bulgarian roots and thus chose a Bulgarian entry for her participation at FANvision: “If Love Was a Crime“ by Poli Genova, a successful 4th place for Bulgaria in 2016.



NAME Mara (Mara van Dyck)

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SONG If Love Was a Crime (ESC 2016)



Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

I chose "If Love Was a Crime" by Poli Genova to represent Luxembourg in the FANvision Song Contest because this song holds a special place in my heart. As someone who is half Bulgarian and half Luxembourger, with my mother being from Bulgaria, I've always had a strong connection to Bulgarian culture and music. Bulgaria's remarkable success in Eurovision, particularly from 2016 to 2021, has been a significant source of pride and inspiration for me.

"If Love Was a Crime" is more than just a song; it embodies the spirit of love and defiance. The lyrics speak about the power of love and how it transcends boundaries and societal norms. Poli Genova's message is clear: love is a universal force that should never be confined or judged. The chorus, "If love was a crime, then we would be criminals," resonates deeply with me, emphasizing that love, in all its forms, is worth fighting for.

For me, this song is an anthem of resilience and hope. It reminds me to embrace my true self and stand up for what I believe in, even in the face of adversity. Representing Luxembourg with this song allows me to honour my Bulgarian heritage and share a message of love and unity with a broader audience.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

When I was nominated by my Fanclub to represent Luxembourg at FANvision, I felt an overwhelming sense of honour and excitement. It’s a dream come true, especially knowing that I will be representing Luxembourg alongside TALI, who brought Luxembourg back to the Eurovision stage after 31 years. There truly is no better moment than this! 

Having Mirko as my mentor and friend since 2016 has been incredibly meaningful. Our bond was solidified through our participation in the Eurovision Gala Night 2016 organized by OGAE Luxembourg. That event was foundational in our connection, laying the groundwork for many wonderful experiences in the Eurovision community.

Being chosen for this role is not just an opportunity to showcase a song I deeply love, but also a chance to celebrate my personal journey and connections within the Eurovision family. The support from my Fanclub and the cherished relationships I've built over the years have made this nomination an unforgettable milestone in my Eurovision journey.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?  Have you ever been in Hamburg/Germany? What do you wish for your stay in Hamburg?

I am incredibly excited about coming to Hamburg for the FANvision Song Contest! It's a city I've always wanted to visit, and the prospect of finally experiencing its renowned musicals is thrilling. Meeting so many Eurovision fans in one place is another highlight. It's quite challenging to find fellow Eurovision enthusiasts, especially in Luxembourg, given our recent return to the contest.

Hamburg has so much to offer, and I can't wait to explore its vibrant culture and attractions. This trip is not just about the contest; it's also about making meaningful connections with other fans and participants. These connections are invaluable, particularly as I plan to participate again in the Preselection Round for Luxembourg in Eurovision 2025.

Being in Hamburg feels like a perfect opportunity to immerse myself in the Eurovision community, share my passion for the contest, and create lasting memories. I'm looking forward to every moment of this experience and the chance to represent Luxembourg on such a significant platform.


What are your personal interests?

My personal interests are quite diverse, and I'm always excited to share and discuss them with others. Naturally, Eurovision is a significant passion of mine, and I love talking about past contests, memorable performances, and future predictions.

I draw a lot of inspiration from Eurovision, not just as a fan but also as a musician. I've been singing since an early age, and this passion has helped me connect with musicians and discover songs from all around Europe. I love composing music and discussing different aspects of music production and songwriting.

In addition to my musical pursuits, I am hardworking and have a master's degree in financial management. I approach my music with the same dedication and discipline that I apply to my professional life. This blend of finance and music gives me a unique perspective on both fields.

Given my plans to participate again in the Preselection Round for Luxembourg in Eurovision 2025, I'm very interested in discussing the creative processes behind staging a performance. From production to songwriting, I'm eager to share insights and learn from others' experiences.

I am a big fan of music in general, and I enjoy exploring various genres and discovering new artists. Attending live concerts and musicals is something I relish, and I'm particularly excited about experiencing the musicals in Hamburg. I also have a keen interest in travel and exploring new cultures, which ties in perfectly with my love for Eurovision's international community.

What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

My connection to Eurovision runs deep, rooted in my love for music and the powerful messages of resilience and talent it showcases. Eurovision has always inspired me with its diverse musical styles and storytelling.

My first Eurovision memory is from 2008 when I watched Russia's captivating performance. Since then, I've eagerly followed the contest each year. My passion grew stronger in 2016 with Bulgaria's remarkable return, deepening my involvement in the Eurovision community.

One of my closest connections to Eurovision was being in the Top 50 for the Preselection of Luxembourg Song Contest 2024. The experience and six months of preparation gave me goosebumps. I will never have Eurovision depression because, for me, after Eurovision is always before Eurovision.

I've always admired Luxembourg's past successes and Sweden's iconic win with ABBA in 1974, highlighting the contest's lasting impact. When Luxembourg announced its return, I was overwhelmed with joy, fulfilling a long-held dream.

Eurovision means more than just a music contest; it symbolizes unity, cultural exchange, and artistic celebration. I am honoured to share my love for Eurovision and my personal journey with fans and participants in Hamburg.

Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

FANvision will be my biggest stage if the audience exceeds 900 people, surpassing my performances in school talent shows at Luxembourg public schools and the Conservatory of the City of Luxembourg. My most significant event so far has been the Eurovision Gala Night 2016, which had over 600 participants. Another notable achievement was reaching the Top 50 out of more than 300 contestants in the Preselection Round for Eurovision Luxembourg, where I performed in front of five professional experts from Eurovision, including Cesar Sampson (Austria participant 2018) and Tali Eshkoli (Eurovision Producer 2019 and Miss Universe).

My musical journey includes participation in Voice art and social organization events with various Luxembourgish artists. I've performed at events, Christmas markets, and other public venues, all in an effort to establish myself within the Luxembourg music scene. My goal is to become well-known in Luxembourg and build a solid foundation for my music career.

My future plans include focusing on music and preparing for future participation in Eurovision, while connecting with music experts, composers, and singers. I aim to find a stable job in Finance or Administration that allows me leisure time for my music and to make a positive impact on society. As for the rest, I believe the future will reveal itself in due time.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

Apart from being a Eurovision fan, I'm a student at the Luxembourg School of Business, working on my master’s in financial management and finishing my thesis. I'm also juggling an internship in Audit and Procurement in a Big Four Company. With any luck, I'll finish in July and be ready to dive into whatever exciting opportunities Luxembourg has to offer.

When I'm not buried in books or balancing spreadsheets, I love hanging out with friends and family. I'm also passionate about singing and composing my own songs. And, of course, I love taking vacations whenever I can scrape together the time and money—because let's face it, Luxembourg's weather could use a little Eurovision-style makeover.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

As a singer, my favourite Eurovision song is "Beautiful Mess" by Kristian Kostov from 2017. Imagine being just 17 and delivering a performance that leaves everyone speechless—Kristian did just that. The song is a beautiful blend of contemporary sounds with a sprinkle of Bulgarian magic, and its lyrics about life’s messy yet beautiful journey really hit home. Plus, he snagged second place, proving he’s got talent in spades.

But let’s not forget "Fighter" by TALI, our very own Luxembourgish entry. Choosing between these two is like choosing between chocolate and more chocolate—both are amazing and oh-so-catchy. "Fighter" is all about determination and strength, which resonates deeply with me. Together, these songs showcase the incredible talent and diversity Eurovision is all about.



Meet the Head of Delegation
of OGAE Luxembourg:


Stephane is not just a close friend to Mara but her biggest mentor and fan, accompanying her to all her performances. This makes him the perfect Head of the Luxembourgish delegation. He is relatively new to the Eurovision scene, but he has been a fan of Mara's singing career for many years. While he wasn't part of the Eurovision Gala Night, he's been watching Eurovision with Mara for a few years now, soaking in all the glitz and glamour. He's thrilled to take on the honour of being Head of Delegation. Think of him as a Eurovision newbie with a VIP pass to the inner circle, ready to bring his enthusiasm and support to the stage!


Stephane Mota Fernandes


NAME Stephane Mota Fernandes
CLUB OGAE  Luxembourg
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB Head of Delegation

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How did your club find your representative?

Our representative, Mara, has been involved in the Eurovision community for years. She participated in the Eurovision Gala Night in 2016 and has always been a dedicated member of OGAE Luxembourg as a singer. Her interest in Eurovision increased after she participated in the preselection round for Luxembourg's Eurovision Song Contest entry. With Luxembourg's recent return to the contest, our interest and excitement grew as well. Through a referral, we decided she was the perfect choice. Having known Mara for many years, I can confidently say she is passionate about her music, incredibly talented, and deserving of this opportunity.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

This is our first time participating in FANvision, so we are thrilled to gain as much visibility as possible. We have a small but enthusiastic community of Eurovision fans in Luxembourg, and our friends are excited to support Mara.


What do you wish for your contestant?

We wish Mara the best of luck and a successful performance. Her hard work and dedication should be rewarded, and we hope this experience opens up great opportunities for her, especially in her future Eurovision applications.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

Luxembourg may be a small country, but we've had a significant impact with five Eurovision wins. Our return to the contest after three decades shows that we were always here, ready to rock the stage. Luxembourg is a fantastic place to visit, having hosted Eurovision four times. It's a multicultural and multilingual country, and although the weather isn't always great, we offer free public transport! If we win and host the next FANvision Song Contest, we will provide an unforgettable Eurovision Weekend for international fans. Luxembourg's visibility in the media will ensure that our efforts go beyond borders. We've hosted events like the Eurovision Gala Night and the Luxembourg Song Contest, inviting amazing artists such as Vicky Leandros, Loreen, Alexander Rybak, Dana International, and Conchita Wurst. Our network with Eurovision legends is extensive, and we are deeply invested in this project.


What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite Eurovision song of all time is "Mon amour" by Slimane. It has a lot of feeling, is incredibly original, and Slimane is a very talented singer.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

In FANvision performances, I appreciate great choreography and strong dancers. I look for the WOW effect—something unforgettable. A strong voice and a singer who performs as if it's their last and only moment on stage really stand out to me.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Switzerland


Meet the representatives of OGAE SWITZERLAND

Meet The Suganas, the representatives of OGAE Switzerland in FANvision 2024.

The Suganas are our next act for FANvision and they will bring girl power to Hamburg. The three members of the group are Nicole, Nina and Stéphie, an energetic trio.

OGAE Switzerland has again made an open call to their members to represent their club in Hamburg, received numerous suggestions – and chose “The Suganas” as their hopefuls for making it a Double for Switzerland this year.

They will sing “Hey Mamma“ by Sunstroke Project (Moldova 2017).



NAME The Suganas (Nicole, Nina, Stéphie)
SONG Hey Mamma (ESC 2017)



Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

Each of us chose some songs separately, and "Hey Mamma" was on all three lists. Hey Mamma is just a happy song and it's pure joy to sing it. Every Eurovision fan knows it and no one is able to keep their feet clam when this song is playing. And TBA All three of us are hoping for a win of Moldova  at Eurovision soon... we need a reason to visit Moldova


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

I think all of us felt so honored when we get the nomination because for us as huge Eurovison fans it's something special to be a part of this event as well.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?  Have you ever been in Hamburg/Germany? What do you wish for your stay in Hamburg?

We can't wait to visit Hamburg. It's such a beautiful city and of course we're looking forward to meet all the other contestants from all over europe.


What are your personal interests?

Nina: - Theatre and Acting - Foodie

Stéphie: - Travelling and explore new cultures and meet new people - music in general - doesn't matter if it's Eurovision or concerts in my hometown - Singing, dancing and living in these moments

Nicole: - Concerts and events as long everyone has a good time - Trash-TV and good food to relax - Skiing / Swimming


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

Nina: As I was born in former Yugoslavia and my first memories of Eurovision were shortly after the war, it was always beautiful to watch war-torn countries come together through music. One of the first songs I remember was Diva by Dana international and Maria Magdalena by Doris (Croatia 1999)

Stéphie: My first Eurovision was the one in Athen 2006 when Lordi won the trophy. I'll never forget how my sister and I sat in front of the TV with our dad and we couldn't believe what we saw. From that moment I was fascinated by the variety of music and the happiness of all these people who were coming together for one reason.

Nicole: Guildo hat euch lieb is the first song I remember (1998) but since 2003 I never missed Eurovision (at least in front of the television) since Turin i've been live on site and to witness Nemo's win live next to the stage with so many Swiss/Nemo fans was the most beautiful moment off my life so far.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

Nina: I have studied acting and also performed in theaters. However, musically it will be my biggest audience in Hamburg as I have never sung in front of a big audience.

Stéphie: Fanvision will be my first experience on a stage. So everything will be new and a big adventure.

Nicole: 0 experience, so yes, it will be the biggest stage and audience, and it probably will be a once in a lifetime moment.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

Nina: Auditioning for film projects whilst working in banking.

Stéphie:I love cooking and baking. I'm interested in every sort of animals so it's also a part of my job. During hockey season i'm a huge supporter of a national league team called SC Rapperswil-Jona.

Nicole: I work for a car company, love ice- hockey (SCRJ) and carneval and enjoying to spent time with friends


Meet the Swiss
Head of Delegation:

Meet Bastien, Head of Delegation of OGAE Switzerland:

Bastien is a member of the Eurovision Weekend crowd since his first appearance as Jury-Spokesperson for his home fan club OGAE France in Stuttgart in 2021.

He was so enthusiastic, that he became part of the international team and being Zurich-based, was nominated as HoD by OGAE Switzerland in their annual club meeting in October 2022.

For 2023 he organised a very remarkable preselection with applications from all over Europe and beyond, this year again OGAE Switzerland made a call to its members and out of numerous applications, the club chose their representatives.

OGAE Switzerland is also the only club, who already has announced the preselection for FANvision 2025…so will they host it in their own country, with Eurovision being the “general rehearsal” for hosting the Eurovision Weekend as well next year?



NAME Bastien Venturi
CLUB OGAE  Switzerland
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB FANvision contestant 2022, Eurovision Weekend host 2023, HoD Czech entry 2024

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How did your club find your representative?

This year we wanted to select our candidate internally, unlike last year when we asked our members to vote. We received applications from several countries, as well as internal ones for the very 1st time. We would like to thank all those who showed interest.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

We have of course been advertising the event through our internal channels, and hope that many of our members will travel to Hamburg despite the summer vacations. What's more, the fact that 3 of our members will be representing our club in Germany is definitely an added incentive.


What do you wish for your contestant?

I wish them above all a lot of fun at the event and with the other candidates. To simply enjoy themselves and do it for the fun of it.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

I wouldn't presume to say that our club stands out from the rest. We go there mainly to have fun, with 3 very cool and friendly girls who go there to enjoy the event


What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

I have a few favs like Spain 2012, Moldova 2021, Israel 2023, etc. but my ultimate favorite ESC song of all remains Cyprus 2012 (La la love).


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

As with Eurovision, it's all about the whole package. The song presented will give a few points, especially if it's obviously a song I like. The difficulty of the song chosen will also make me want to give points to the candidate concerned. The candidate's connection with the audience and his/her or their likeability and the originality of the performance will also be important factors for me. Finally, the quality and power of the voice will naturally earn the candidate a significant number of points as it is after all a song contest. May the best win!

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Czechia


Meet the representative of OGAE CZECH REPUBLIC


Meet the representative of OGAE Czech Republic:

Felix is absolutely no stranger to FANvision and the Eurovision Weekend. Last year he was our city guide and showed the guests of the Eurovision Weekend the beautiful sights of Prague.

This year Felix will try his luck in the competition and is going to represent OGAE Czech Republic. He was nominated by the board of OGAE Czech Republic and is going to sing “No No Never“ by Texas Lightning. The group from Hamburg represented Germany at Eurovision 2006 and their song became a huge success in Germany.

Will Felix win FANvision for OGAE Czech Republic? He already knows how to host the Eurovision Weekend and he is ready to fight for the crown. Keep your fingers crossed for Felix Häring!


NAME Felix  (Felix Häring)
SONG No No Never (ESC 2006)
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Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

2006 is probably the first contest I remember watching with my family. The band Texas Lightning actually originates from Hamburg, so there will be a lovely connection that suits the city. Additionally, German songs were always quite a lucky choice for our OGAE, just ask Adriana.. ;)


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

Excited and extremely thankful. I have both Czech and German roots, so representing OGAE Czech Republic in Germany really means a lot to me, kind of a big family meeting.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?  Have you ever been in Hamburg/Germany? What do you wish for your stay in Hamburg?

Hamburg is probably one of my favourite cities in Germany and I have been there many times as a friend of mine used to live there. I really love that there is so much water!

What are your personal interests?

Next to Eurovision I enjoy travelling, learning languages and cooking. Eurovision is a great inspiration for everything and it happens quite often that Eurovision people inspire me to try some recipes that end up to be quite popular around my people.


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

That’s a long story with many chapters! It all started when watching the contest together with my family, especially with my grandmother. I started watching all the preselections back in 2016. In 2022, I applied to be a volunteer in Torino. I did not really expect them to accept me, but that’s what happened in end. In Torino I got to know Josef and OGAE Czech Republic and I decided to join. When we hosted the Eurovision Weekend in Prague I was the city guide and that’s how I also became part of the Eurovision Weekend family.

I was happy to the meet many people of the Eurovision Weekend universe again this season, whether it was the Barcelona preparty, some preselections or even in Malmö. Eurovision has been a constant journey through my life and I’m looking forward to what lies ahead!


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

My link to music is mostly academic, that means that I actually write about music and Eurovision on an academic level. I have already competed in the cover contests of some OGAEs, but singing is mostly just fun for me.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

Currently I’m studying European history at LMU in Munich, with a special focus on Czech-German relations and I’d like to stay in academics in future.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite Czech entry is our debutant song „Malá dama“ by Kabát (2007) that Europe unfortunately failed to understand. Still my favourite Czech karaoke song. Probably my favourite German Eurovision artist is Katja Ebstein. In Eurovision I mostly like the 90s and 80s, some entries I love are: Sata salamaa (FI 1987), Du Er Fuld Af Løgn (DK 1986) and A Cidade Até Ser Dia (PT 1993).


Meet the Czech
Head of Delegation:


Meet Adriana, who had more functions in the Eurovision Weekend than anyone else:

Adriana sung Satellite by Lena in 2022 in Helsinki…and she walks in Lena’s footprints also in other regards: Coming back to FANvision the next year with a stunning opening performance and being a host last year in Prague as well as being part of the interval act, she will announce the points on behalf of her fan club this year, just like Lena in 2013.

Winning FANvision with 18 also mirrors Lena, so now Adriana is 20 years old, has studied pop singing at the Prague Conservatory for a fifth year, and she’s also a teacher for singing and playing the piano.

Bringing the Eurovision Weekend to Czechia meant a world to her, as it was the first international Eurovision event ever held in Czechia. Being involved in organisation, hosting and active as a singer on stage, she looks back to it as a big honour and thanks to this event she cherishes her many experiences.

Adriana records her own songs, also with international producers, so this year does probably not mark her last function in the Eurovision Weekend.



NAME Adriana Žitníková
CLUB OGAE Czech Republic
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB FANvision contestant 2022, Eurovision Weekend host 2023, HoD Czech entry 2024
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #ogaeczechia
Czech Republic Youtube Thumbnail Head 



How did your club find your representative?

Felix was a team member in 2023 as city guide. He took part in the Cover Contest of OGAE Germany earlier this year and was approached at that very same evening why he does not represent his own fan club. So he contacted our board about the opportunity to represent our club. We are very happy we have someone, who is happy to represent us, and he knows the contest well. Felix will be very happy to sing on the Eurovision Weekend stage. And that’s a priority for us!:)


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

We are going to make a Czech invitation to Hamburg, so we will try our best to bring more Czech fans with us.

What do you wish for your contestant?

I wish Felix all the best honestly. He is a very kind, friendly person, which I really appreciate. I know that he will represent us and perform with love and with joy no matter what. 


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

I think the outstanding thing about our club is that we have an OGAE even though we don’t have too many fans of the Eurovision in the Czech Republic.  It wouldn’t be possible without our president Josef who gives the best for our club. So we appreciate that we can be a part of this community and we are very proud to be a part of the Eurovision Weekend.


What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

I really have too many, as I am also an artist. But I will choose some that I have a strong connection to. My favourites are Fairytale (Alexander Rybak), Satellite (Lena) and Because of You (Gustaph)!


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

It has to get my attention, I have to feel the performance and that the artist is singing for us and can spread an emotion of the song. For me is clear singing very important but the good performance has to have everything as a whole. From singing, feelings to a well thought out stage performance and even clothes which suit with the song.

Der Beitrag des ECG beim FANvision in Hamburg




Winner ECG


Das Eurovision Weekend 2024 in Hamburg wird das ESC-Event des Sommers - und nun wissen wir auch, wer den ECG beim FANvision Song Contest dort vertreten darf: Die Formation Call Me Survivor hat sich bei der zweiwöchigen Abstimmung unter ECG-Mitgliedern gegen vier weitere Mitbewerber*innen durchgesetzt und darf am 13. Juli mit einer besonderen Version von "We Will Rave", dem österreichischem Beitrag von Kaleen aus diesem Jahr, an der Waterkant an den Start gehen.

Call Me Survivor, bestehend aus Verena und Florian aus Düsseldorf, erhielt von insgesamt 65 Mitgliedern sowohl die meisten Punkte als auch die meisten Höchstwertungen. Die Gruppe hatte bereits in vergangenen Jahren in wechselnder Besetzung am FANvision teilgenommen und darf sich nach eurem Votum in diesem Jahr nun erneut beweisen.

"Durch die Leidenschaft zum ESC haben wir uns angefreundet. Nach einem Liveauftritt beim vergangenen Clubtreffen in Köln entstand die Idee, sich als Duo für den FANvision zu bewerben. Für unseren Song haben wir neue Strophen auf Deutsch geschrieben. Wir wollen in Hamburg eine Show mit viel Choreographie, Energie und 90er-Feeling auf die Bühne bringen und eine große Party feiern", sagten die beiden vor Beginn des Votingaufrufs.

Wir bedanken uns sehr herzlich bei allen Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern und wünschen Verena und Florian eine Menge Spaß und Erfolg bei unserem Heimspiel in Hamburg!




1. Call Me Survivor - "We Will Rave" 614 Punkte (21 Höchstwertungen)

2. Christopher Grevener - "Move" 569 Punkte (15 Höchstwertungen)

3. Arno Herbach - "Flieger" 558 Punkte (15 Höchstwertungen)

4. Florian Binye - "My Star" 533 Punkte (8 Höchstwertungen)

5. Mara - "If Love Was a Crime" 521 Punkte (6 Höchstwertungen)


FANvision 2024 - OGAE UK


Meet the representative of OGAE UK:


Meet Il Faux-lo, the representative of OGAE UK in FANvision 2024.

It’s time for the first group act at FANvision 2024: OGAE UK will send the trio “Il Faux-lo” to Hamburg. The three members Alasdair Rendall, Rob Wells & Stephen Woodward are going to perform the Italian song “Grande Amore” by Il Volo.

In October 2023 the three guys won the contest “Eurostars” at OGAE UKs annual meeting “Eurobash” in Liverpool. Despite having entered that competition just for fun they are now



NAME Il Faux-lo (Alasdair Rendall, Rob Wells & Stephen Woodward)
SONG Grande amore (ESC 2015)


AR – Alasdair Rendall

RW – Rob Wells

SW – Stephen Woodward


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

AR – My friend Stephen persuaded me and our other friend Rob to take to the Eurostars stage at the OGAE UK Eurobash. Whilst I've taken part as a soloist before, I thought this would be a fun and unique thing to do, especially to sing alongside two other people who are never going to win awards in the height category! And singing in Italian is always bellissimo!
RW – It was Stephen's idea, but one of my favourite songs, so I jumped at the opportunity. 
SW – I came up with the idea of entering our UK heat: EuroStars with my grande amicis Rob & Alasdair. I love the song, thought that we might have a shot at passably singing it and wanted to finally right the wrongs of 2015 and have it win!

What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

AR – I'll be honest - whilst taking part in Eurostars was fun, I genuinely never expected to win. It was a really special moment when we were announced as winners. And having won in Liverpool, why not take the next step and perform in another great port city!
RW – We entered the UK fan club competition for a bit of fun.  There were so many other great singers I didn't think we would actually win it.  But when we did - and then also had the opportunity to bring our unique take on Il Volo to Hamburg - I felt so happy and proud.  I hope you will enjoy our presentation! 
SW – When we won EuroStars back in October it was pretty much the greatest moment of my life. After we were announced as winners (by Anne Marie-David no less!) it was all a euphoric blur.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?  Have you ever been in Hamburg/Germany? What do you wish for your stay in Hamburg?

AR – I have been to Germany many times (I studied German at university and did part of my Erasmus year in Essen). However I have never been to Hamburg, although I feel I know it well from Germany always giving the points from the Reeperbahn. If Barbara isn't there having a cheeky Stein of lager I shall be very disappointed.
RW – I have been to Germany many times before but never to Hamburg, so I am looking forward to exploring a new city. 
SW – I have never been to Hamburg before. The trip won't be complete unless we run into Barbara on the Reeperbahn. 

What are your personal interests?

AR – Music, travelling and politics (so I guess Eurovision is the perfect combination, no?)
RW – Eurovision and singing.  That's basically it, I don't have time for anything else.  I sing with a choir, the London Gay Men's Chorus, and that takes up half my time; and following the Eurovision national selection season seems to take up the other half.  Oh, and I have two cats, and a day job as a lawyer.  
SW – Despite the choice of song/act I'm a huge philhellene (a lover of all things Greek). I make my own wine and beer (with Eurovision themes!) and enjoy a good hike in the British countryside. 

What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

AR – Whilst I have watched every contest live since 1988, my first proper memory is the 1990 contest, and the "false start" from Bandido. From that moment I was hooked. I joined the fan club in 1991 as the youngest member, and was President for six amazing years. I also had Nicki French come and sing at my wedding! 
RW – The first record I ever bought was by Bucks Fizz.  Yes, I am that old.  I loved watching Eurovision as a kid, and the obsession just got stronger as I grew older. 
SW – I have watched every contest but one since 1994 live. The only year I was missed was 2011 due to my university graduation ball, though I managed to stay ignorant of the result and watched the whole contest through at 3am to find out that I had not won £330 betting on Eric Saade. 

Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

AR – I have performed at Eurostars, the UK Eurovision convention, on four previous occasions. Whether you would describe them as a musical experience....well I'll let other people be the judge of that.
RW – I've been lucky.  I get to sing at some amazing venues with my choir friends, including King's Place concert hall, the London Palladium theatre and Buckingham Palace.  But it's one thing to be on stage as part of a large group - quite a different thing when it's just three of us, so I hope I don't get too nervous.  
SW – EuroStars was part of the OGAE-UK annual convention held in October in Liverpool and we performed on the stage that had served as the Euroclub for ESC 2023. This was the first time I had sang in public since being an orphan/pickpocket in the chorus of the musical Oliver! aged 9 at the Luton Theatre. I hear that the Hamburg audience will be similar in size to that at EuroStars. If we win perhaps I'll consider entering Una Voce Per San Marino (or even if we come 17th, quality doesn't seem to be a factor for UVPSM). 

What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

AR – I'm a journalist, turned press officer, and now have a nice quiet and uneventful job managing the Media Relations Team for the UK House of Commons.
RW – In theory, I'm supposed to be a serious lawyer type-person.  But in reality, Eurovision and singing have kind of taken over now. 
SW – Day to day I try to make History interesting for teenagers. I've been a teacher for the last decade. 

What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

AR – Bandido, Spain 1990, just a millimetre ahead of Macedomienne, Belgium 1990.
RW – 'Is It True?' by Yohanna (Iceland, 2009) - such a beautiful song, and still one to sing along to in the shower all these years later. 
SW – You very well know that this a cheeky and impossible to answer question! I have a soft spot for Johnny Logan Hold Me Now, I know all the lyrics to Yassou Maria by Sarbel and think DoReDos were hard done by.  


Meet the British
Head of Delegation:


Meet Sean, president of OGAE UK:

Sean is the new elected president of OGAE UK, and one of the first things he did was to nominate the Eurobash winners for FANvision.

Let’s see if the experience, that the fan club has gathered in the past years with hosting Eurovision and big fan club events did make them the ideal hosts for the next edition of FANvision, if Il Faux-lo wins not only the public vote like I Volo back in 2015, but also the jury votes. Hosting Eurovision events is definitely very common for the club, so fingers crossed for OGAE UK.



NAME Sean Bookless
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #


TikTok Logo.wine



How did your club find your representative?

OGAE UK chose its representative at Eurobash, our annual fan event. Twelve acts competed at EuroStars in Camp + Furnance in Liverpool, the same venue as EuroClub in 2023. Alasdair, Rob and Stephen won over the audience of over 250 Eurovision fans and were announced as winners by none other than Anne-Marie David.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

There will definitely be some UK fans in the audience. But there are many more fans rooting for Alasdair, Stephen and Rob back in the UK. 


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

Having hosted Eurovision in 2023, the UK is still experiencing Eurovision fever and OGAE UK is the biggest of all the OGAE clubs. We’ve set up regional societies, meaning fans can make friends, meet up and do all things Eurovision throughout the year. UK fans are a very dedicated bunch! 

What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

This isn’t a hard question for me. Greece 2001 Antique - Die For You.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

I like when an act can recreate a big-budget, professional Eurovision performance in a fun way. I like seeing the creative ways acts try and replicate expensive staging or incredible choreography.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Ukraine


Meet the representative of OGAE Ukraine:


Vankhud was selected internally by OGAE Ukraine, and he chose his song together with the club.

Ukrainian singer Maria Sur took part in the Swedish preselection with her song „When I’m gone“, which is personal to her, and that's a feeling that Vankhud can connect to and wants to share with our audience.

Бажаємо Ванхуду та Владиславу, а також OGAE Ukraine успіху з чудовою піснею.

(We wish Vankhud and Vladyslav as well as OGAE Ukraine good luck with the great song.)



NAME Vankhud (Hlib Dukhnov)
SONG When I'm Gone (Melodifestivalen 2024)
instagram #vankhud


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

I chose the song "When I'm Gone" because it holds a special meaning for me on multiple levels. Firstly, the song's poignant lyrics and emotive melody resonate deeply with me. The themes of longing, farewell, and the passage of time evoke a sense of nostalgia and introspection. On a personal level, "When I'm Gone" reminds me of cherished moments and relationships that have shaped my life. It speaks to the universal experience of leaving behind a part of ourselves as we move through life's journey. The song captures the bittersweet essence of temporary goodbyes and the hope that our legacies endure even after we're no longer present. In essence, "When I'm Gone" is more than just a song to me; it's a profound expression of the human experience and a reminder to cherish the moments we have with loved ones. It encapsulates both the melancholy of parting and the enduring spirit of those who leave a lasting imprint on our hearts.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

Overall, the nomination filled me with a sense of honour and pride. It was a reminder of the amazing community we have built around our shared interests, and I was eager to embrace this opportunity to connect with others who share our love for what we stand for.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg? 

Yes, absolutely! I'm incredibly excited about visiting Hamburg. It's such a vibrant and culturally rich city, and I can't wait to explore all that it has to offer.


What are your personal interests?

I am passionate about traveling and learning about different cultures. Experiencing new places and meeting people from diverse backgrounds enriches my perspective and fuels my sense of curiosity. In addition, my personal interests reflect my love for creativity, exploration, and self-improvement. Each pursuit brings its own unique joy and contributes to a fulfilling life journey.


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

I have been following the competition for more than 10 years, and therefore, of course, in addition to stable viewing of selections, semi-finals and grand finals of the competition, I have an unbearable thirst for music and writing my own songs. For the past two years, I have been working on my own material and improving my skills to one day perform on the cherished stage of Europe. This spark in me was lit by the representative of Croatia 2017 Jacques Houdek. In addition, together with other members of the club, we review Eurovision songs, so I think it is worth saying here about blogging activities as well.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

I already had to perform at various events in the school period and go to vocal competitions. Although I do not have much experience of the scene, but I feel that I have that crazy power in me, which, combined with the dramatic performance that I do on stage, makes people applaud standing. I always like to enjoy the stage, making people happy. The FANvision scene is no exception!


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

In everyday life I am a student, now I am studying as a Logistics Manager.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

That’s easy to say, it’s a song by the Ukrainian electro-folk band Go_A "Shum"!


Meet the Ukrainian
Head of Delegation:


Meet Vlad, who brings back OGAE Ukraine to the FANvision contest with his club, and they choose their entry wisely.

Vlad is the president of the Ukrainian club since 2020 and most important to him is creating a spirit of community. He and his team organise meetings and events all around the country, so that every member – especially in difficult times – feels involved, appreciated and has the possibility to join the club activities. He creates an atmosphere among the members, that mirrors the ideal of Eurovision: United by Music.


Vladyslav Semenchenko


NAME Vladyslav Semenchenko
instagram #


TikTok Logo.wine
2024 04 12 16 52 55.9340200 



How did your club find your representative?

In fact it was Hlib, who approached us with the idea of taking part in FANvision this year and when OGAE Ukraine considered his suggestion of a participation, we immediately choose him as our representative, and the fan club then chose the song, that he will sing, in an internal selection.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

Yes, our club attracts a dedicated and enthusiastic group of supporters for our events. We've cultivated a strong community around our activities, and our supporters regularly turn out in significant numbers to show their enthusiasm and passion. Their support not only enhances the experience for everyone involved, but also fuels our motivation to continue delivering engaging and memorable acts. We greatly value our supporters and their contributions to making our club a vibrant and exciting place to be.


What do you wish for your contestant?

I wish the very best for Hlib in the FANvision song contest! May he shines brightly on stage, captivating the audience with their talent and charisma. I hope he delivers a mesmerizing performance that leaves a lasting impression and resonates with everyone watching. May Hlib's hard work and dedication pay off, leading his to success in this exciting competition. Wishing his confidence, joy, and a fantastic experience throughout the contest. Go Hlib!

What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

That's a tough question, but if I had to pick one, I'd go with "Euphoria" by Loreen. It's such an iconic Eurovision song—upbeat, powerful, and memorable. The performance was captivating, and the song itself has a timeless quality. It's one of those tracks that really captured the essence of Eurovision for me.

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage, and what might convince you to give a high vote?

When I think about what makes a performance stand out in FANvision, a few key elements come to mind. First and foremost, I appreciate originality and creativity. I want to see something unique and fresh whether it's an innovative use of technology, a novel approach to storytelling, or a completely unexpected twist in the performance. Secondly, a strong emotional connection is crucial for me. A performance that evokes genuine emotions it joy, sadness, excitement, or introspection resonates deeply. This could come from powerful acting, compelling music, or a compelling narrative that draws me in and makes me feel invested. So if a performance can surprise, move, and impress me simultaneously, it's likely to receive my enthusiastic support and a high vote.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Norway


Meet the representative of OGAE Norway:


2024 is „the big debut“ of OGAE Norway. Anneke Fasting is proud to take part in FANvision 2024 as Head of Delegation because she is in fact the mom of Claus Michael Fasting, who is going to represent OGAE Norway. He sings a very personal song from a „big powerhouse“ at the Eurovision Song Contest: „Hold me closer“ from Cornelia Jakobs. Cornelia took part in Turin in 2022 with this emotional song.

All fingers crossed to the wonderful mother-son-team and to OGAE Norway.


NAME Claus Michael Fasting
SONG Hold Me Closer (Sweden 2022)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #clausmichaelnorway


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

Because its a powerful song from a big powerhouse at Eurovision. When I was younger, I was misunderstood and teased at school due to my autism, and I didn’t have any real friends, but the arena of Eurovision helped me along the way, and that’s what the song is trying to convey for me.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

It made me emotional, as its not every day you see a handicapped person compete at FANvision. And it was my big dream since last year in Prague.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg? 

Yes, I’m super excited, as I have a tiny bit of German dna. And I have been to Germany before, as the cities I can name that I’ve been to previously is Kiel and Lübeck, and also the tiny seaside town of Puttgarden. It will however be my first time in Hamburg.


What are your personal interests?

My personal interests other than music is geography, especially countries, their capitals and their connection to the Eurovision Song Contest. I also have a big collection of flags which I can take with me to Eurovision just in case.


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

It was through a ticket to a cruise to Fredrikhavn with my mum, where on the sundeck, the ship crew set up a big screen where we watched the 2006 contest from Athens. Great to see Finland win.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

I game a lot, although not online, but rather on my pc. My biggest weakness is detective games, where I get to solve mysteries, they can be ranging from missing people, murders and also general mysteries, like hidden treasures. I started to sing in a band for handicapped youth when I was about 10. Now I’m a lead singer in two bands for disabled. Once a week I sing with my vocal coach.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite song is easy to guess. The year was 1996, we got our first and only silver at the Eurovision, and that song is called ”I Evighet” (Forever) is what’s dedicated on my first tattoos.



Meet the Norwegian
Head of Delegation:


Meet Anneke, the Eurovision Mama, that will hold close to her son.

Anneke watched her first Eurovision in 1972 and has seen most of them since. Like the Finnish HoD Heljä she also sang in a gospel choir. It made her happy that Claus Michael found his interest in MGP and Eurovision from early years. He started to sing when he was about 9 years old and being his mum she is very proud of what he has achieved despite he is autistic. They attended Eurovision in Lisbon together, as well as in Tel Aviv and Turin, and wanted to go to Rotterdam and Liverpool as well, but only this year manage to travel to Malmö. Beside her interest for Eurovision she breeds Maine Coon cats and loves Vespa’s and Harley Davidson.



NAME Anneke Fasting
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook


2024 04 12 16 52 55.9340200 



How did your club find your representative?

We asked our president about his thought about the FANvision? He listened to the song and he said «go for it».



Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

Sadly we are only 4 people going to Hamburg this year. Claus Michael, me and 2 good friends from OGAE Norway.

Your club is in the race for winning FANvision; what's outstanding about your club?

We are friends that meet up on regular basis both as a OGAE meeting or just friends going for a coffee or a concert.



What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

Have one song that are special to me. From the first Eurovision a saw with my parents. Eurovision in 1972 in Edinburgh. Vicky Leandros won with “Après toi”. Its a song that has followed me all my life. Claus Michael sung it at my fathers funeral. In fact Claus Michael sung at my mothers funeral and his other grandmothers funeral too. Then it was “Ein bißchen Frieden! and “Tears in Heaven”.

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage, and what might convince you to give a high vote?

The performer must be sincere and tell the story so I can believe in him.


FANvision 2024 - OGAE Slovenia


Meet the representative of OGAE Slovenia:


Joel Loyo will undoubtedly deliver an unforgettable act as a born performer, dedicated to bringing joy to the audience. With his uniqueness, creativity, and the ability to enthusiate a crowd, Joel is more than capable of delivering on these fronts. Apart from his passion for performing, Joel is a well known fashion designer, who launched a line of swimwear for men and also participated in Big Brother Slovenia, as a commentator of the show.

Is Joel continuing a tradition, that a Balkan country wins the contest at it's first ever appearance on the Eurovision/ FANvision stage?



NAME Joel Loyo
SONG SloMo (Spain 2022)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #Joelloyo


Why did you choose this song?

I chose "SloMo" by Chanel because it resonates deeply with my cultural background. Being of Mexican descent, I feel a magnetic pull towards the infectious rhythms and vibrant energy of Latino music. Whenever I hear the pulsating beats of Ritmo, it's as if my Latino heritage is calling out to me, stirring something within me that's both exhilarating and comforting.


What does it mean to you?

"SloMo" holds a special place in my heart because it's more than just a song; it's an embodiment of joy, celebration, and self-expression. The lyrics are playful and easygoing, but it's the dance that truly captivates me. Dancing isn't just a form of entertainment; it's a language of its own—a universal means of communication that allows me to express myself freely and authentically. This song gives me the opportunity to tap into that inner rhythm and let go of inhibitions, embracing the sheer delight of movement and music.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

The moment I received the nomination from OGAE Slovenia to represent our fan club at FANvision, I was overwhelmed with a sense of honor and pride. Having been a dedicated participant in Gradevizija for the past five years, Eurovision has become more than just an event to me; it's a passion, a community, and a shared love for music and culture. To be chosen as the ambassador for OGAE Slovenia fills me with immense gratitude and a profound sense of responsibility to represent our club with enthusiasm and dedication.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg? Have you ever been in Hamburg/Germany?

Absolutely, I'm beyond excited about coming to Hamburg! It's a city that holds a special place in my heart—a perfect blend of history, culture, and vibrant energy nestled by the sea. My first visit to Hamburg, five years ago, was nothing short of magical. I was captivated by its picturesque landscapes, charming neighborhoods, and warm hospitality. Returning to this city feels like a homecoming of sorts, and I can't wait to immerse myself in its beauty once again.


What do you wish for your stay in Hamburg?

During my stay in Hamburg, I'm looking forward to embracing every moment with open arms and an adventurous spirit. More than anything, I'm excited to share this experience with good friends and fellow Eurovision enthusiasts, creating unforgettable memories together. From exploring the city's iconic landmarks to indulging in its culinary delights—especially the mouthwatering seafood—I hope to savor every aspect of Hamburg's charm and hospitality.


What are your personal interests?

Beyond my love for Eurovision, I'm deeply passionate about the arts and cultural exchange. As a dancer, I find solace and inspiration in movement, using it as a medium to express emotions, tell stories, and connect with others on a profound level. Additionally, my background in fashion and costume design allows me to channel my creativity into tangible forms of expression, blending aesthetics with functionality to create unique and captivating designs.


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest?

My journey with the Eurovision Song Contest began at a young age, and it has since become an integral part of my life. From the moment I first witnessed the spectacle on television, I was enamored by its magic—the electrifying performances, amazing stage production, and the spirit of unity and diversity that permeates every aspect of the event. My first live experience at Eurovision, in Vienna in 2015, left an indelible mark on me, igniting a passion that continues to burn brightly to this day.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/audience so far for you? What are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

While FANvision presents a thrilling opportunity to showcase my talents on a larger stage, my musical journey extends far beyond this moment. With a background in dance and a deep-seated love for the performing arts, I've had the privilege of honing my skills and sharing my passion with audiences across various platforms—from theater productions to dance competitions. Looking ahead, I aspire to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity, embracing new opportunities for artistic expression, and inspiring others to find joy and fulfillment through music and movement.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

In addition to being an ardent Eurovision fan, I lead a multifaceted life centered around creativity and self-expression. As a fashion and costume designer, I have the privilege of bringing imagination to life through fabric, color, and form. Whether designing bespoke garments for clients or conceptualizing avant-garde runway collections, I find fulfillment in pushing the boundaries of design and creating pieces that resonate with people on a personal level.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

Choosing a favorite Eurovision song is no easy task, as each entry holds its own special place in my heart. However, if I were to pinpoint a defining moment in my Eurovision journey, it would undoubtedly be my first live experience in Vienna. The sheer spectacle of the event, combined with the palpable energy of the crowd, left an indelible impression on me—one that continues to inspire and enchant me to this day. It's not just a song or a performance; it's a memory etched in time, forever cherished as the embodiment of Eurovision's magic and allure.



Meet the Slovene
Head of Delegation:


Meet Jan, an “early bird” in the Eurovision Weekend

Despite the fact, that OGAE Slovenia debuts in FANvision this year, the Slovene Head of Delegation has experienced the Eurovision Weekend and their contests in many ways already: Being a contestant himself in the predecessor contest of FANvision, the Fans-Sing-For-Fans-Contest in 2015 and 2016, he also stepped in as the HoD of the Italian delegation last year and awarded points as their Jury. Obviously he liked his position, as after the Eurovision Weekend in Prague, he quickly reached to the Slovene fan club, organised that their Gradevizija winner 2023 was asked to represent OGAE Slovenia in FANvision 2024 and then even got elected as the president of OGAE Slovenia earlier this year. What a journey already, where will it take him next year? Being a Eurovision podcaster and radio host in Slovenia, will we see him as the host of FANvision 2025 in Slovenia?



NAME Jan Vehar
CLUB OGAE Slovenia
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB President of OGAE Slovenia
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #ogaeslovenija
 Slovenia HoD



How did your club find your representative?
Joel Loyo was crowned as the winner of Gradevizija 2023*, an annual event celebrating Eurovision in Slovenia for over 25 years.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?
OGAE Slovenija is fully supporting our contestant Joel Loyo, who's performing at Eurovision Weekend 2024 in Hamburg, Germany, this July. Several members attended last year's event in Prague, and we anticipate a strong presence in Hamburg as OGAE Slovenija officially participates for the first time this year.


What do you wish for your contestant?
As someone who has stood on the Eurovision Weekend stage several times, I simply wish Joel to enjoy the entire experience as I have. The joy of being part of Eurovision world is truly unparalleled.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision; what's outstanding about your club?
OGAE Slovenija is eager to host Eurovision Weekend in our beautiful country, Slovenia, known as the green treasure of Central Europe. With growing interest in Eurovision and an expanding membership base in OGAE, Slovenia offers a unique and accessible destination. With Joel representing Slovenia, we hope to bring Eurovision Weekend to Slovenia for the first time.


What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?
While there are many, I'd choose Kejsi Tola's "Carry Me in Your Dreams" (Albania 2009) as it always uplifts my spirits. Conchita's "Rise Like a Phoenix" also holds a special place in my heart as the winner of the first Eurovision I attended in person.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage, and what might convince you to give a high vote?
In considering what performance I would enjoy and award points to, I prioritize authenticity and originality. A captivating performance that resonates with genuine emotion and creativity would undoubtedly catch my attention. I appreciate performances that demonstrate skill and mastery of the craft, whether it's in vocals, instrumental proficiency, or stage presence. Furthermore, I tend to gravitate towards acts that offer a unique twist or perspective, something that sets them apart from the rest. Ultimately, I seek performances that leave a lasting impression, stirring something within me and compelling me to acknowledge their excellence with high points.


Logo Gradevizija 5cda846e330b9a796196d329 Gradevizija Logo


*About Gradevizija:

Gradevizija is a musical festival run by OGAE Slovenia that combines music, singing, performance, courage, good spirits, and lots of laughter. Originating in 1997 in Dejan's kitchen, it began with a desire to sing in front of an audience, evolving into a larger event organizing and performing for an initial audience of four, doubling as judges. As its popularity grew, Gradevizija moved to larger venues, eventually settling in the Cultural Center of Črnuče. Over the years, it has maintained a five-member jury, enthusiastic audiences, and a platform for performers, embodying passion, heart, and positive energy. Numerous musicians, cultural figures, and media personalities have participated as judges, reflecting Gradevizija's influence in the public eye.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Germany


Meet the representative of OGAE Germany:



NAME Mikal Johansen
SONG Drama Queen (Denmark 2007)
FACEBOOK logo facebook


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?
Actually, originally I chose another song, "Someday" by Hera Björk, which I was gonna sing in the contest of OGAE Germany, Cover Song Contest. I was gonna sing it with my friend Annette, but sadly, she broke her leg just a few days before we were going to Munich for the contest. I felt that "Someday" was our song to sing together, so instead I chose "Drama Queen", which is a song that I had been performing before in a Eurovision show, that I did together with some other singers. I have seen DQ perform it a lot of times - so it is a big honour for me to sing it in a contest myself now. 


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?
I won Cover Song Contest in January, and it was a special honour for me. Even though I have participated in FANVision Song Contest several times for Denmark, this is actually my first time earning my spot by winning a contest. In Denmark, I have been chosen internally each time - which has been great as well - but I feel that I have deserved it at another level this time.

Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?
Yes. I live in Copenhagen, and even though Hamburg is the nearest large German city from Copenhagen, I have only been there once, and only for a few hours - so I'm excited about seeing this city, which I have heard is very fun and interesting.


What are your personal interests?
EUROVISION! That's the short answer. Also, I love acting and singing. I also enjoy watching documentaries, and I feel that it's a good way to learn new things. In my professional life, I am a teacher, so generally, I like to keep myself informed about the world around me.

What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?
I have a very strong connection to Eurovision. Besides that I love to watch it and listen to the music, it's a very social thing for me as well. I've met a lot of my best friends through Eurovision, and it's a special feeling for me, that I know so many great persons from all over the world, especially Sweden and Germany, besides Denmark, of course. Also, I'm doing reaction videos for Youtube, called "Panelet bedømmer", with two other danish guys, so Eurovision really is a big deal for me.

My first memory of Eurovision is from 1984, where I remember seeing Herreys win for Sweden together with my sister. I was so fascinated by this contest and by the pretty hair of the Herreys :-D 


Meet the German
Head of Delegation:


NAME Daniel Nothaas
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB Head of Delegation 
 Germany HoD



How did your club find your representative?
Back in January we held a preselection for FANVision at our annual club convention in Munich. Five brave contestants fought for the ticket to Hamburg. our eventual winner Mikal won by a landslide.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?
Hopefully yes. Our members can experience the FANVision on homeground. Thanks a lot to EC Germany for organizing.


What do you wish for your contestant?
I wish him having a great time with the other contestants and also on stage - and of course best of luck in the contest.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?
The most obvious thing is that we are the “other” German fanclub besides EC Germany. We are a bit like Luxemburg in the good old Grand Prix d’Eurovision days because unlike other clubs we were never represented by an own member. Last year we had Austrians and this year we have a Danish guy flying the flag for us.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?
Susanne Georgi - La teva decisió (Get a Life) - Andorra 2009 In general I’m a fan of micro states. My favourite country at Eurovision is San Marino.

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?
I like to see when the artist enjoys being on stage and connects with the audience. It's an advantage when the artist has a good voice, but it's also about good entertainment. 

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Finland


Meet the representative of OGAE Finland:


Jarkko is no stranger to FANvision. He represented OGAE Finland before and even won the contest back in 2021 with the Finnish version of “Rise Like A Phoenix” called “Saan voiman uuden”.

This year Jarkko will try his luck once more and will represent OGAE Finland. Back in December he won the preselection at the Christmas Party of OGAE Finland, where he sang “We Should Be Through“ by Mikael Saari. Mikael was competing with this song in the Finnish Preselection UMK in 2013, but missed out on winning the ticket to Eurovision.


NAME Jarkko Timonen (Stage name: Jake)
SONG We Should Be Through (Mikael Saari - Finnish preselection 2013)
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Why did your choose this song, what does it mean to you! 
Back in 2013 I was living in Lahti as a newly graduated radiographer. Back then I had only trained my voice all by myself, mostly at home and I realized that I need some assistance to improve my vocal abilities and to become a better singer. I contacted a male vocal coach who was a classical/opera style vocalist. I had multiple lessons with him and one time he told that he would be attending UMK with a guy named Mikael Saari whose vocal coach he also was. So my vocal coach would play cello alongside Mikael in the UMK final performance! I thought how cool is that! Once I heard the song ”We Should Be Through” it instantly resonated in my body in a very emotional way. It feels like if the song was written from the past events of my own life and that is why it feels so personal and I get very emotional every time even when I only rehearse it. Watching UMK 2013 I thought that someday I want to know how to sing that ballad in a way Mikael does. Mikael has a great voice and I’ve always wanted to sing like him. I was not able to do that in many years but last November I finally felt confident and I performed the song live for the first time in the Finnish OGAE pre-Christmas party. And here I am now.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?
I thought that it is a privilege to get to do this again. The Eurovision fan audience has always been and always will be the best audience for me. I’m really excited to get to perform this song again in Hamburg.


What are your personal interests?
I love karaoke and singing of course and that is my hobby number one. I also love to do sports and nowadays I go to Crossfit classes every week.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?
My first memory of Eurovision is when CatCat competed with ’Bye Bye Baby’ in Eurovision 1994. I was only five years old. I also remember ’Love Shine a Light’ and ’Diva’ from 1997 and 1998. When I was growing up I always watched Eurovision with my mom and in 2006 I wanted to even come home from a party with my friends to watch the Eurovision results with my family. My mom had always told me that someday if Finland wins Eurovision, they would play ’Porilaisten marssi (March of the Björneborgers)’ after the show which is traditionally played after huge Finnish achievements. And they played it right after the show just as my mom had predicted! I´m not a nationalist but back then I was really honoured to be Finnish.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?
I live together with my fiancé and two cats. And I am still a radiographer/X-ray therapist and I work in a hospital emergency unit.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?
I Can I mention three? Doris Dragović - Marija Magdalena, Pastora Soler – Quédate Conmigo and of course Conchita Wurst – Rise Like a Phoenix. I really like big ballads with strong vocals. Of course I love some goofier stuff too, such as Dancing Lasha Tumbai from Verka Serduchka. Oh well that was four combined.



Meet the Finnish
Head of Delegation:


Meet Heljä, a long time Eurovision Fan from Finland. She’s been following Eurovision since 1975, with only one show back then. She used to sing in a choir in her teens and is still using her voice when listening to Eurovision songs - but now in the audience. Being a Eurovision Fan and travelling to see ESC live events has created many new friendships for her and she appreciates to meet each other in different cities every May.


NAME Heljä Heineman
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#euroviisuklubi and/ or #ogaefinland

Head of Delegation (after 2021, when OGAE Finland won FANvision)

 Austria HoD


How did your club find your representative?
We have an annual Show Contest in OGAE Finland's Xmas party and the winner receives the privilege to represent Finland in the FANvision contest. Last time we had 9 competing acts.

Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?
 I wish, the more - the merrier!

What do you wish for your contestant
As I know his performance is very emotional I hope those emotions will be reflected to the audience too!


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?
OGAE Finland is the oldest and one of the largest clubs for Eurovision Fans. We are a club with members from whole families. We have been organising the Eurovision Cruise in August since 2010, meet for preview parties, summer picnics and certainly the annual Xmas party, where fans all over Finland com together.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?
Spain 1990 Bandido and Iceland 2007 Valentine Lost are my favourites. Recently I have been listening to Cha Cha Cha a lot!


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?
The ability to make me feel something special - sadness or joy, it does not really matter - is more important than the pitch perfect vocal capability. I have to be able to connect to the emotion that the performer expresses on stage.

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